Chad Beasley - Technology Coordinator
Justin Parr - Technical Support
Derek Trimm - Technical Support/Website Administrator

If you are having trouble accessing the Internet at home, be sure your computer is joined to your home wifi. Laptops require a wifi connection for accessing the Internet. If the laptop shows a good connection and you are still unable to access the Internet, restart your computer. As a last troubleshooting step, be sure other devices in your home can access the Internet through your home wifi to rule out a problem with your router or Internet Service Provider.

Winfield City Schools is on the forefront of integrating technology in the classroom and has made tremendous strides with a 1:1 initiative that began in 2013. Students use technology daily, and continually to engage and collaborate on their assignments to improve achievement and communication. Teachers use a variety of technology tools as well.
All students are assigned a technology device by the district. Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade have an iPad and students in grades 2-12 use Chromebooks. All students are provided with Google accounts.
Schoology is used as an online learning management system and integrates seamlessly with Google. All students have a network account that is used for a single sign-on to network resources, Pirate Mail, Google Apps, Office 365, Schoology, Pirate Library (Destiny Library Management System), and many other online resources.
We are committed to providing relevant technology as a resource for improving student achievement, student engagement, collaboration, and communication.
Ensuring the safety of students while maintaining focus on curriculum is a priority within the system. To protect and serve our students, the system has adopted several policies and guidelines. Please contact your school office for more information and request a copy of the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Winfield is CIPA compliant and meets all federal and state regulations for providing a safe Internet for minors.